Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Fairytale Story

A Fairytale Story
As the tiredness begins to set in from racing against my two best friends Jessie and Purl, I foolishly get distracted by a trail of flower petals. II follow it.
I finally leave the forest.
Behind the trees I find an unknown castle.
I peek around the castle corner and see an old injured bridge which has two old rusty chains just keeping it standing.
As I walk across the bridge I hear cracking under my feet.
I think and try to go back but there are two trolls blocking both entrances to the bridge.
Troll Hans yelled: “Hey Charlie. I haven’t had human in a while!”
Troll Charlie replies: “Me neither Hans!”
I can hear more and more cracking.
I fell through the bridge, yelling and screaming for help, before the green furious crocs come wanting to snap me in half like a pencil.
Just then a peasant comes and saves me and chases the trolls away, threatening them with his axe. Then he disappears into the forest chasing the trolls.
After waiting 3 minutes for the peasant to come back I could see from the distance a man riding on a horse. I start to chase him to see if it was my hero.
But he doesn’t stop?
His dog is following close behind.The dog stops and sniffs the air. He charges at me like a mad bull and bites me on the arm. I scream as loudly as I can and the dog is howling more and more, adding his wild howl to my crying and screaming because of a huge wound now stuck on me like glue. I’m gushing out with blood crying for help.
Then I grab the end of my dress and tear some off and wrap it around my arm like a cast. After a few minutes of calming down I start to feel dizzy.
He starts to shout for his brother and I’m not talking about barking. I’m talking about talking and I cowardly tie him to a tree with a string off an old kite.
I think that I’m out my mind ... a talking dog really?
I’m going crazy!
The dog tries to calm me down with his old-like voice.
I sit down and think and he starts to say how pretty I am but I just calmly say..
“Quiet please.” He starts to tell me about the guy on the horse. He was struggling to talk with the rope around his neck so I carefully take it off him. Now he is bleeding so I try to make it better with some of my dress.
He keeps talking about the guy that was on the horse. He said he is a handsome prince but unfortunately he is not my hero.
My hero was a peasant with blue and blonde hair and blue eyes with the best smile but he is a peasant and I am a princess. It cannot be.
So the magical talking dog takes me into the forest. On our journey I find my hero sitting on a stump and shining his axe. We finally meet face to face.
I say my name: Lacey. He says his: Levi.
He tries to run but I grab his hand and he walks back towards me holding my hand.
He says that if he gets seen with me he will be executed by the hunter’s mother.
I say, “ will take you to the castle only a 10 minute walk from here.”
He trusts me and we walk back together and even the annoying little dog too.
We get to the castle and I see the hunter and his mother. I was in shock to see that the handsome prince was also the hunter.
His dog/brother yells at the hunter. His mother looks at me and she sees me and Levi holding hands. She comes flying past us with her broom turning red.
Just because of one simple touch on the hand she threatened Levi again and he held my hand tighter and tighter until I hugged him. Then he let go of my hand and whispered to me. He told me the plan. I went along with it.
We both fooled the witch and her son. She tried to cast a spell on him that would turn him into nothing but a skeleton.
She aimed at him but he dodged it. She hit the mirror and it reflected back at her. She died. Because she died her son’s powers faded away and Levi turned into a prince; a handsome prince. We kicked the hunter out and the curse was lifted off the castle.
I kissed him on the cheek and I told him it was for being my heroic hero.
We lived happily ever after.    
By Lacey